What can be done to support & protect livelihoods of drivers?

Last week I was so tired from all the back-to-back meetings at the office that I decided to ‘cab’ home. People who know me, will be shocked to hear this because they know I always try to save when it comes to transport. MRT and bus FTW! I was so surprised that the driver who […]

Worried about inflation & GST? Come, Kakak teach you how to grow your wages!

With inflation, everything is so expensive now. My family has been cutting down spending on things we often take for granted, like groceries, food and transport. Even when I ajak Abang to eat his favourite Mee Soto at the hawker centre because he’d complain about why he was paying so much for a small bowl! Whenever […]

My Abang thinks his friends no wawasan!

That day, Abang came home from work complaining about his request to take up a course that was rejected by his supervisor. But his complaints were not about his supervisor but his colleagues whom he said got no wawasan (vision)! Apparently when he complained to his colleagues about how his request for rejected, his colleagues […]

$5 movie tickets? Baik ah!

Watching movies and K-dramas have always been part of me-time when I was a housewife. But it’s not like a rest-and- lepak, because I was still multi-tasking with my regular housework! Ever since I went back to work, obviously I no longer have the luxury of watching movies mid-day, ‘errday. Though it’s been less than […]

Retail workers, you can look forward to wage increases, starting from next month!

Retail PWM

Kakak has always been hearing stories of how people complain that Singapore does not have the minimum wage scheme. But Kakak don’t agree with the Minimum Wage Model because.. It just doesn’t make sense lah. Lao Niang explained it for you all before. If you forgot, read here.  So now the National Trades Union Congress […]

Kakak tells you how to seek help if you have workplace problems

Kakak tells you how to seek help if you have workplace problems

Hello my kengkawans (friends). It has been a while since Kakak last came here to pour her feelings out and impart some wisdom in the process. Lately, Kakak has been experiencing some problems in the workplace. Problematic colleagues, long working hours, doing things beyond what is expected PLUS having to deal with my beautiful (BUT […]

Kakak Will Teach You How to Live Cheaply

Hello adik-adik and friends!   I hope you are all doing good and healthy! I’m sure you all also keeping busy with catching up with friends, right? But remember to always wash hands and wear your masks when indoors, ok? Keep healthy because health is wealth! And speaking of wealth, today, Kakak want to help you […]

What does football and Singaporean Core have in common?

Hello, uolls! How are you, my dear adik-adik and friends? I want to share something with you. Last weekend, Kakak and family went to the beach. I thought good time to reconnect with Abang. But before I could manja with him, your Abang took out his iPad. He said want to watch football! Omona! I […]

Kakak Says: Luckily GST go up only 2%

So many of us have been wondering the last few weeks if the government, for real, want to make GST go higher? It’s confirm plus chop! GST will increase… but only from 2023! The GST will go up from 7 %t to 9% in two phases- first on Jan 1, 2023, from 7% to 8%, […]