Sure Boh? Singapore’s Taxi fare is 20th cheapest in the world?


Our taxi fare is 20th cheapest in the world.

Sure boh? Singapore’s taxi fare is cheaper compared to other countries???

Yup, this is based on a survey done by a British online use car dealer.

Taxi Fare

Want to know who’s the cheapest?

Cairo – Egypt

Taxi Fare

Who’s the cheapest in Asia?

Mumbai – India

Taxi Fare

Who’s the most expensive in the world?

Zurich – Switzerland

Taxi Fare

Who’s the most expensive in Asia?

Tokyo – Japan

Taxi Fare


If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

Sure Boh?

If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

On Key

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