All Singaporean households to receive $500 worth of CDC vouchers!

CDC vouchers 2024

New year new set of Community Development Council (CDC) Vouchers, HUAT AH! From 3 January 2024 onwards, every Singaporean household can claim $500 worth of CDC Vouchers to help them to manage the rising cost of living. This initiative is also to support the local hawkers and the heartland businesses.   If you remember, last […]

Drunk Ang Moh sentenced to 13 months in jail for beating up a taxi driver

Drunk Ang Moh sentenced to 13 months in jail for beating up taxi driver

A drunk Ang Moh attacked a 62-year-old taxi driver by punching him and knocking him to the ground. According to Zaobao, the man continued to assault the taxi driver even after he had fallen to his knees. As a result, the driver suffered fractures to his face and fingers and required surgery. However, the attacker, […]

NTUC JUST had their own election at the NTUC National Delegates’ Conference 2023

IS IT ELECTION COMING?!?!  Aiya, every day is one day closer to the General Election lah hor. SO you can say, yes! Election is coming!   But for the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), they just conducted their own version of the “general election” at their NTUC National Delegates’ Conference which was held over two […]

Malay-Muslim Workers set to get more support!

Wah I tak tahu that Job Carnival ada happening macam gini!   The other day, Kakak went to Wisma Geylang Serai (WGS) to see if I can buy some abayas for a wedding that I got invited to. But then ah, coincidentally, I saw that WGS got the Employment and Skills Carnival @ South East, then […]