New training for PES C & PES E NSFs



PES C or E recruits are now needed to go through a combined nine-week, stay-in course at the new Basic Military Training Center (BMTC) School Five. The school, which began operations in Oct 2018, is exclusive for full-time national servicemen (NSFs) who can only take up roles ranging from combat support to service vocations.

Previously, PES E cadets only had to go through a two-week military assimilation program.

Now, PES C or E NSFs have to go through a four-week soldiering phase, in which they can train and progress at their own pace while under the supervision of their commanders.

After which, the NSFs will undergo a five-week vocational training where they will learn how to take on specific roles. They will also have a Weapon Presentation Ceremony and a combined graduation parade, something that the previous batches did not experience.

BMTC School Five commanding officer, LTC Sim Kian Hwa said that in collaboration with the SAF counselling centre, “experienced and committed instructors” are trained and managed to ensure quality, care and supervision are given to the recruits.

Meanwhile, Senior Minister of State for Defence Heng Chee How highlighted the importance of a safe and effective training, so that everyone is able to contribute to Singapore’s defence.

Three batches have already graduated from BMTC School Five, and about seven more by the end of the year.

Even though you all can self-regulate your training, SAFETY comes first hor! Don’t act one garang if you really cannot make it liao.

If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

Sure Boh?

If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

On Key

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