Singapore River turns Green


Algae has turned the Singapore River green.

Singapore river
(Credit: Straits Times)

PUB confirmed that the bright greenish colour is caused by algae – microscopic organisms naturally present in reservoirs and waterways.

Environmental experts say that the algae overgrowth is because of the recent weather – rain and strong sun, which creates a conducive environment for algal blooms.

But the algal bloom will usually last up to a week and disappear after that because the nutrients in the water would have been used up.

While algae is not toxic, the overgrowth in algae can kill fishes by depriving them of oxygen and clogging up their gills.

In 2015, fish farmers in Singapore were hit by an algae overbloom, which killed more than 500 tonnes of fish stocks amounting to losses of millions of dollars.

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