27-year-old man arrested for allegedly stealing $500 from Grab driver


The police have arrested a 27-year-old man for allegedly stealing $500 from a Grab driver on 3, August 2017.

The incident was caught on video on July 23, 2017, and went viral this week after it was circulated on many Facebook pages.

Thief stealing from Grab Driver

In the video, the man was seen trying to reach for the driver’s bag and while he was not looking, he took the cash out and kept into his pocket before putting back the wallet.

Police officers from the Jurong Police Division established the identity of the suspect through extensive enquiries and the aid of images from CCTV and arrested him on August 3, 2017.

Police investigations are ongoing.

If convicted for theft, the suspect will be fined or jailed for three years or both.

The police also advised taxi and private-hire car drivers to take the following precautionary measures:

  1. Do not put personal valuables (including mobile phones) at or near the vehicle’ center consoles or places within the easy reach of passengers.
  2. Be vigilant in safeguarding your personal valuable and be wary of anyone who may try to distract you.

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