7 ways to save water in Singapore, number 5 will shock you

With so much water talk going on, we’ve decided to compile 7 ways to save water in Singapore…you know, in case we ever have a water crisis someday. 1) Shower every other day If you’re in an air-conditioned environment all day long, and not the type that perspire a lot, try bathing once in two […]

Gahmen anyhowly giving out SGD1 billion worth of GST vouchers and MediSave top-ups

Budget 2018

GST vouchers yayy! Free angpao from the Gahmen (Government)! They will be giving out S$1 billion worth of goods and services (GST) benefits and Medisave top-ups. Breakdown of the S$1 billion: Up to $300 GST vouchers (cash) 1.39 million Singaporeans will benefit Click here to check if you qualify. It’s for those who earn an […]