Prostitution helped her clear her debt and found her a husband


After being conned of half a million dollars, she was debt ridden, jobless and homeless. She turned to prostitution to help her get her out of her debts.


In 2004, Pamela Lim, then 29, met a guy she got to know online through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) at a hotel for sex and got $200 in return.

She had a failed business which left her in a $50,000 debt and subsequently was conned into borrowing money for a scam investment which got her into more debt.

Her story was made public after she published a book about her life, Love Heals: How I Turn My Life Around, last year.

Because of her debt and her prostitution, she fell out with her family.

But it was also through her prostitution that she met her husband who became her saviour.

“Eric was very nice, brought food for me and brought me to see a doctor. He was someone I felt very comfortable with.”

Fortunately, Eric didn’t mind her past. They decided to get married when Pamela was pregnant with their first child.

Today, Pamela runs a digital marketing business, but she still owes over $400,000. They have three boys, aged 3, 10, and 11.

Living in a four-room flat in Punggol, Pamela has reconciled with her brother and mother。

She hopes that one day her story could be made into a movie.

“I realised my story has bigger purpose: to bring hope to women who’re forced into the prostitution trade.”

Read more of her story here

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