A Chinese national director were fined $28,260 for importing contraband cigarettes


A Chinese national director, Yin Xidi (45-year-old), had a parcel delivered to an office at the Marina Bay Financial Centre containing contraband cigarettes and were fined $28,260.

A female employee received the parcel on his behalf on Jun 13, 2017, declared to contain towels and magazines.

Singapore Customs officers traced the parcel and arrested Yin Xidi the same day at his home in Marina Boulevard.

Contraband cigarettes

The officers also searched the unit and another 15 cartons, 3 packets and 16 sticks of contraband cigarettes were found.

He confessed that he had asked his overseas friend to send him contraband cigarettes through parcel for his own consumption and was aware that the duty tax and GST were not paid.

A total of 24 cartons, 13 packets and 16 sticks of contraband cigarettes were seized in the operation with an estimation of $1960 duty tax and $140 in GST, if he cannot pay the fine, he will get 113 days’ jail instead.

Under the Customs Act, it is the responsibility of importers to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the values and other related costs declared to Singapore Customs.

Under-declaration of the values is a serious offence as it will result in underpayment of duty and import GST payable. All cases of revenue evasion and violations of Customs regulations are investigated, and action will be taken against errant importers or any person involved in abetting the fraudulent evasion of duty and GST.

Any person who is guilty of fraudulent evasion of duties or GST will be liable on conviction to a fine of up to 20 times the amount of duty and GST evaded, or imprisonment, or both. In addition to the penalties meted out by the court, offenders are also required to make good the duty and GST under-paid.

Members of the public with information on smuggling activities or evasion of customs duty or GST can call the Singapore Customs hotline on 1800-2330000 or email customs_intelligence@customs.gov.sg.

If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at editors@sureboh.sg and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

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If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at editors@sureboh.sg and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

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