MSF responds to Car Park Label Scheme criticism


After the complain by a para-athlete about the revision in criteria for the Car Park Label Scheme,  the MSF has responded that the revision is necessary because the demand for such lots have been increasing and will continue to rise as our population ages.

Car Park Label Scheme

And it of course doesn’t help that Singapore is so land scarce. There’s going to be a limit to how much disabled car park lots the gahmen can allot.

So yup, because there’s a limited number of lots, certainly there’s a need to impose more strict requirements in the form of the Car Park Label Scheme to make sure the lots go to those who need it more than others.

If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

Sure Boh?

If you’d like to contribute your story to us, drop us an email at and we’ll review it. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it.

On Key

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