A 36-year-old National Serviceman was charged in court, for submitting fraudulent make-up claims to the Singapore Police Force (SPF).

The Police detected that a National Serviceman had submitted claims for attending In-Camp-Training (ICT) on 9 November 2017, even though he did not complete his ICT. The man had also falsely claimed that during the period of his ICT, he was employed by a company, which he was no longer employed at.
The man was charged with attempted cheating under Section 420 read with Section 511 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224.
Anyone convicted for cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code, may be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend up to 10 years, or with a fine, or with both.
The Police will not hesitate to take action against anyone who wilfully submit false claims, and ensure that they face the full brunt of the law.
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