Johor water treatment plant closes temporarily…Singapore not affected.


Water supply in Singapore will not be affected by the temporary closure of four water treatment plants in Johor, one of which is managed by Singapore.


High Ammonia levels were detected in the Johor River after a poultry farm and factory in the Kota Tinggi district was traced as a the source of the pollution.

According to the Johor State Minister for Health and Environment, the high levels of Ammonia was due to a factory that processes “chicken droppings”.

But he added that “this is not the first time high levels of ammonia have disrupted water supply”. There were three other major incidents in this year.

Singapore draws up to 250 million gallons of raw water each day from the river.

But lucky for Singapore, water supply will not be affected as PUB “has stepped up production at the desalination plants and local waterworks to meet demand”, according to the PUB.

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