What has ITE got to do with a Bee Hoon company? Well, ITE has helped a company to fold bee hoon. Not manually, but actually by developing a beehoon folding machine for People Bee Hoon Factory.

The company’s director Mr Desmond Goh said the machine made by ITE has cut the number of workers for the bee hoon folding process from 10 persons to just two. This allowed the other employees to take on more productive jobs.

Before the machine, Goh found that he did not have enough workers to keep up with the orders as his business was expanding.
Most parts of the manufacturing process was already automated using other machines. But one step still had to be done manually: the folding and packaging of the bee hoon.
That was when he was brought together with ITE by Spring Singapore to design and develop the machine.
With this sort of machine, workers can save time and energy and perform other more productive work. Something that most manufacturing companies can learn and be more productive.
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